2021 Seppi Esfandi Law Scholarships UPDATE
We’ve received all the scholarships and have narrowed it down to 5. Thanks for your patience students, we expect the 2 winners to be announced before Monday October 4th!
Best of luck to all of those who applied.
2021 Scholarship Recipients
Recipient #1: Thao “Annie” Le
Selected by Scholarship Committee: $1,000
Law School: University of San Francisco School of Law
Essay #1: Thao “Annie” Le’s Essay
Recipient #2: Peyten Sharp
Selected by Scholarship Committee: $1,000
Law School: University of California Berkeley Law School
Essay #2: Peyten Sharp’s Essay
2017 Scholarship Recipient
Recipient: Misty D. Gaubatz
Essay: Domestic Violence
Selected by Scholarship Committee: $1,050
Law School: University of Montana
Please visit the SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION PAGE for more information.